Indian Spices and Herbs

Indian Spices and Herbs

Whenever there is discussion about the taste of Indian food one cannot resist themselves thinking about the spices and herbs that came out to be one of the most idiosyncratic features. The inestimable disparities obtainable from fluctuating the spices bring incredible diversity to the cookery. Spices are used generously throughout India, but each and every province has typical set of spices and an authentic taste that mixes in the right quantity makes the cuisine for that state. Such as In Tamil Nadu the principal spices used are mustard seeds, asafoetida and curry leaves to make the food Spicy and easily digestible, where as there is a complete different taste if you compare the food of North India, Guajarati, Punjabi, Bengali or Rajasthan side, Every State uses same Vegies and crops, all it matters is the usage of different spices creates the foodwith distinctive flavors.

Well, every one of us have herbs and spices in our kitchen cupboard somewhere and they often get chaotically added to recipes and cooking creations. Fascinatingly, there are numerous health benefits of herbs and spices, did i mention that they also advance the taste of so many foods! As you all know that all spices instigate from flowers, fruits, seeds, barks, leaves, and roots. Herbs and spices also play a vital role in preserving the food for longer periods of time. Herbs and Spices have antiseptic and antiviral possessions and many are high in vitamins and minerals. You might don’t know but there are 93 trace minerals in a true sea salt. Many of the herbs and spices contain more antioxidants that help in fighting diseases than fruits and vegetables. The problem comes in the lack of knowledge of what to add and how much to add just because of this most operative and healthy herbs are rarely used, while the slightest potent spices like (salt and pepper) are the most typically used for seasonings.

Here is a itemization of the health benefits of numerous herbs and spices that you might, or might not, have on the shelves of the kitchen.


 You can add Basil to basically everything, from Non-vegetarian to vegetarian dishes. Basil has its own anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties that can help prevent diseases like osteoarthritis. It has been used in gastric syndromes and to to be honest with you it is being studied for its anti-cancer properties.


Most people have cinnamon around the house, but usually it’s been there for a few years! Cinnamon has the highest antioxidant value of any spice. It has been shown to reduce inflammation and lower blood sugar and blood triglyceride levels. Cinnamon has also been used to alleviate nausea and to increase sensitivity to insulin and aid in fat burning. It provides manganese, iron and calcium. Its antimicrobial properties can help extend the life of foods.


Arrowroot is a prim herb, especially since we went gluten free.It is soothing and highly pleasant so it is often used in treatment for disorders like Grumpy Bowel Syndrome. It has an astounding solidifying ability similar to cornstarch, and it can be added to soups, dips, baking etc. It’s basically a gluten-free teething biscuit for kids.


Turmeric, Well you’ve heard about it a lot it’s often found in kitchens around the world. It is very common ingredient in Indian foods. Turmeric basically contains Cur cumin again, a cancer-fighting compound. It is more frequently taken medicinally for its ability to reduce swelling and advance joints.


Another magnificent herb that is used in many places around  the world, is mint. It has conventionally been used to calm peptic troubles and lessen seasickness. Many people around the globe enjoy a tea made from peppermint or spearmint leaves, and the unpredictable oils in both have been used in smell fresheners, toothpastes and chomping gum. Externally it’s the oil or tea can be used to resist mosquito.
 These were only few Spices & Herbs that are used in cooking.Besides these there are many.

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